Western Cape Report 2024

Report by Alistair Keytel and Club Reports provided by Kendal Madel (ZVYC), Athenkosi Vena Athi (MAC), Gordon Guthrie (HYC), Evelyn Osborne (GLYC)

I’m pleased to report that the 2023/24 season has seen a hive of activity with our WC clubs reporting growing numbers and strong oppie training programs. This is fantastic news and very pleasing to see (and hear about) that the class is on the up following the pandemic.

The Cape Classic series, which is made up of 3 regattas spread across the season and held at 3 different venues in ZVYC (September), TSC (December) and HYC (February) remains the backbone of the WC dinghy regatta season. Reporting the highest numbers and most competitive fleets, it’s easy to understand why they prove so popular with the sailors and their onshore supporters alike, when one looks at the value offering and the great fun that the sailors have at the events. If not done so already, these events are definitely worth attending to experience for yourself!

Thanks to a generous sponsorship from the Western Cape Government and assistance from SASWC, the WC Optimist Class got to send a sailing team to Qingdao, China to partake in the Qingdao International Optimist Training Camp & Regatta between the 9th and 17th August 2023. In the past this was a popular and regular cultural exchange on the sailing calendar. This was the 1st time the exchange would be taking place since pre covid times in 2019. (Michele Keytel and Bev Le Sueur had some sleepless nights and busy days getting a travel-ready team together in record-breaking time.) Read More …



The multi-class Western Cape Championships took place over the Easter Weekend in Mossel Bay. Although an idyllic and popular offshore venue, a major regatta had not been hosted there for nearly 10 years, meaning, many sailors would not have sailed there before. An “out-of-town” venue, meant that it required most to travel, with all these factors in play, you would have expected a low turnout, but this was not the case, with a slight increase in A-fleet entries from the previous year’s event, which is fantastic to see. 10 competitive races were completed in varying sea and wind conditions, testing the sailors’ skills in all conditions. In the end, it was a successful regatta with everyone enjoying the sailing as well as the onshore offerings from Mossel Bay.


WC Championship results:

In ending, I would like to say a big thank you to our committee members for their time and effort put into the season. Current committee is Elzette Henshilwood (Treasurer), Zander Van Aswegen (Boats and General) and Jody Celliers (General).

I’d also like to extend a thank you to the club reps for their hard work and commitment at the club level, it’s fantastic to read all the oppie activity happening.

Links to Club reports below:

GLYC Report

HYC Report

MAC Report

ZVYC Report