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“Charlie” Oppie SA 9 lives on after 45 years!

Reading Richard Crockett’s latest article on the history of SA Optimist sailing (Talking Sailing), I see amongst others, photographs of Charlie SA9. Hey, I say, that’s exactly the boat that was donated to MAC a year or so ago. I can’t remember who donated it, but it has a TSC number, so that may help tracing its origins.

There is no date or caption to the photographs, but the article mentions 1981 / 1982 and even 1977 when the photos were taken. Charlie must be one of, if not the oldest surviving Oppies in the country with such a low number, so she could be all of 45 years old!

She (He?) is in pristine condition with all her original parts (excluding the sail), including the livery. We have her on display at MAC. I’m busy tracing her sailing past and previous owners. If anyone can shed some light, I would like to hear from you. Contact Axel on 072 408 9431 or Just imagine the sailing stories this little boat could tell? Could she be the one that Jonathan Swain won the Nationals on in 1981 / 1982?


Read Richard’s full article here