It’s all over. Worlds 2017

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Well, we are done, finished over en “klaar”.

The kids spent their second off-day in a relaxed mood. Claire and I took them to see the “Big Buddha Hill Temple”. Snippets of Buddhist philosophy was experienced with men in shorts allowed to do what they want and Claire and Chiara had to wear a sarong, otherwise “no see”

That evening we watched the Americans beat the Chinese in the final of the team races.

The fourth day was spent with good winds, complaints by unknown coaches that the conditions were dangerous and the safety officer postponing the race. According to him a 40 knot wind was predicted.

After the squall, the skies cleared, the wind dropped and the kids were told to launch. After spending a few hours on the water everybody returned. Notwithstanding the fact that no races were sailed, fun was had by all. A Pattaya party.

On day five the races started with 10- 15 knot winds. It was a good day with three races sailed. The kids went out there with the intent to learn and improve and they made us proud. The BFD’ and UFD’s showing that they were well aware that a good start is important and they were trying their best.

The last day was spent on the water with no races sailed. Still a great ending to a fast and competitive event.

Boats were returned. The “Winner” boats inspected with an eagle eye and the slightest damage to be paid by the sailor. Fortunately no penalties to us(thanks Karl and Alex) as we had to feed Fabritzio, who by that time looked like Fabio, a few beers to get the boxing gloves off.

Deposits on the Far East boats, Winners and RIB was returned and with 30 minutes to spare it was off to hotel for closing ceremony. Prizes were handed out and all sailors received well deserved recognition for their participation in the Optimist World Championship 2017 held in Pattaya.

Lessons learned was that we need big fleet experience and lighter sailors. Having said that, the optimist class prepares a sailor for future sailing and hopefully the young sailors will always remember the joy, the fun and making new friends and keep sailing till they are parents themselves.

Kind regards
