
Day 2 Race Report

Mykonos was showing off today with perfect champagne sailing on the Langebaan lagoon; the sailors enjoyed, bright blue skies, crystal clear water and a steady 10-14 knots from the west. It really could not have been any better and the RO did not waste any time in getting on the water early and ensuring that the start was bang on time at 12:05 and making the best of the conditions.

The 1st race started in 8-10 knots and building, with only 2 races planned for the day, the 1st beat was slightly longer than the previous day and the competitors had to work hard to stay in sequence with the winds shifts, getting out of sequence, could cost you big time. The Brazilian, Marcelo PAIVA GOMES sailed an excellent race to cross the line in 1st place but unfortunately received a Discretionary Penalty which cost him a harsh 20 points, but rules are rules. The rest of the top 10 was made up of what is now becoming the norm of Brazilians and Argentinians, however, the Antiguan sailor, Patrick GREENSMITH got a 7th place, which he followed up with a 3rd place in the 2nd race of the day, giving him one of the best overall points for the day. On the African sailors side, the Tanzanian sailor Peter MSOTWA managed an excellent 9th place.

The 5th race (2nd race of the day) was sailed in a slightly stronger breeze, with the best conditions of the day being enjoyed by the sailors with the wind having built from the 1st race of the day by 2 or 3 knots. The Angolan sailor, Wilson Rodrigues CAMOTA continues to show good form and remains the highest placed African sailor in 6th place overall. He has also managed to build a sizeable lead on the next closet African, Luca MARZOCCHI from Seychelles, of 26 points at the halfway point of regatta Championship.

Tomorrow is the traditional day for Team racing, and with another excellent forecast of light to medium winds, we should have a cracker of a day. The RO and PRO have already confirmed that the racing will take place just off the breakwater, which will make for some excellent viewing off the harbour break water ala Americas Cup style!